- Thu Apr 02, 2020 8:55 pm
The contrapositive in Q10 is ~kj
k). This makes sense.
However, why then in Question 3 is the contrapositive not written this way H
F? Because if in the original statement L's delivery is earlier than H's, then in the contrapositive, L's delivery would be sometime after H's delivery. Also, if Fs delivery is earlier than Ms, then in the contrapositive shouldn't Fs delivery be later/after than M's?
Also....on question 10 it states "this rule produces important inferences at the end points."Are the inferences based on the original diagram? Should our inferences always be based on the original diagram? Would it make a difference if they were based on the contrapositive diagram?
The contrapositive in Q10 is ~kj

However, why then in Question 3 is the contrapositive not written this way H

Also....on question 10 it states "this rule produces important inferences at the end points."Are the inferences based on the original diagram? Should our inferences always be based on the original diagram? Would it make a difference if they were based on the contrapositive diagram?