- Tue Jul 09, 2019 6:19 pm
Hi Oli,
This is one of the tricky late-section Weaken questions that tend to be some of the hardest on the exam. The stimulus is trying to prove that the news media should publicize whenever a business does a highly ethical act. Why? Because hearing about an ethical act is "often" enough to get people to patronize that business, and people should patronize businesses that meet high ethical standards, and the news media should help promote those businesses.
So where is the logical gap we can exploit? The stimulus is committing a part-to-whole fallacy, as one ethical act doesn't mean that a business necessarily meets "high ethical standards." Because we don't know what those high ethical standards are, we should be looking for an answer choice that defines them as something other than a single ethical act, so that the stimulus's logic falls apart, and businesses that engage in one highly ethical act could still fail to meet high ethical standards.
Answer choice (A) is immediately suspect based on its first word, "some;" this is an incredibly vague word that doesn't carry enough logical force to help or hurt much, an immediate red flag. However, what ultimately disqualifies (A) from contention is the scope it's dealing with; the stimulus is only concerned with businesses that actually meet high ethical standards, not ones that fail to do so. So this answer choice is dealing with a whole different group than the stimulus is.
Answer choice (B) works by doing exactly what I described above: it defines "meeting highly ethical standards" as something other than engaging in a singular ethical act, but instead as refraining from unethical behavior, making it quite possible to fail to meet high ethical standards and yet have the news media publicize a singular ethical act, essentially tricking people into thinking the business is ethical. This is especially strong as it would be quite difficult to publicize refraining from doing something, which makes the stimulus's argument absurd.
Hope this clears things up!