- Tue Sep 11, 2018 4:38 pm
Steve Stein wrote:Hi Nadia,I'm confused about this one because don't we need to negate "It is wrong" to "it is not wrong" in the first sentence...given the except rule?
Thanks for your follow-up. The first sentence provides that it is wrong to restrict liberty, except perhaps when failing to do so would allow harm. In other words, if it is not wrong to restrict liberty, we know that failing to do so would allow harm:
Wrong to restrict liberty failing to restrict would allow for harm
...the contrapositive of the above statement provides that if failing to restrict something would not allow for harm, it would be wrong to restrict liberty:
failing to restrict would allow for harm Wrong to restrict liberty
Choice (A) works with the statement above for confirmation: if a publication is only offensive, then failing to restrict it would not allow for harm, so it would be wrong to restrict liberty in that scenario:
merely offensive failing to restrict would allow for harm Wrong to restrict liberty
Answer choice (E) can be ruled out, because, as you point out, "serious" is not supported by the stimulus.
I hope that's helpful! Please let me know whether this is clear--thanks!