Hi Bruin96,
Your templates do not represent all of the solutions possible for this game. It would be a helpful exercise for you to go back and see what you missed.
I'm a little confused how you approached this problem because your (incomplete) list of templates suggests that K is ALWAYS auctioned 4th, but in that case ALL of the answer choices would be correct. I suspect you read the question stem backwards. It asks for the sufficient condition that necessitates K being auctioned fourth.
If J is auctioned 5th, S must be auctioned 6th because of the V-K-S and R-N sequencing, and the requirement that N be 2nd or 3rd. R must be 1st or 2nd, N must be secind or third, and V cannot be auctioned 4th because then it would be immediately before J, violating a rule. That leaves only K that can be 4th.
In terms of a conditional statement:
I hope this helps. Happy studying!