- Fri Nov 06, 2020 1:36 pm
I wanted to get some recommendations for you concerning understanding what I am reading. I've noted that in these drills, there is a ton of convoluting language which makes me lost in the passage. I understand some of what is said but not fully all of it. What do you recommend that I do to have better understanding of what is being said. For example, part of my answer matches the books answer but the book goes further into identifying points that I did not see or bring out.
I wanted to get some recommendations for you concerning understanding what I am reading. I've noted that in these drills, there is a ton of convoluting language which makes me lost in the passage. I understand some of what is said but not fully all of it. What do you recommend that I do to have better understanding of what is being said. For example, part of my answer matches the books answer but the book goes further into identifying points that I did not see or bring out.