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 Dave Killoran
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Setup and Rule Diagram Explanation

This is a Pure Sequencing game.

The first two rules in this game are relatively standard sequencing rules:

PT61_O2010 LG Explanations_g2-d1rule.png
PT61_O2010 LG Explanations_g2-d2rule.png
J is common to both rules, so they can be combined:

PT61_O2010 LG Explanations_g2-d1and2rule.png

The third rule contains two mutually exclusive possibilities, a phenomenon which has occurred with great frequency in Sequencing games in the past several years. These are the two possibilities:

Third Rule:

PT61_O2010 LG Explanations_g2-d3rule_p1.png
PT61_O2010 LG Explanations_g2-d3rule_p2.png
Because these two possibilities are mutually exclusive, you could show a template for each possibility. However, because the unusual placement of the variables, linking the rules is challenging, and most students find that attempting to make the two templates causes confusion and lost time instead of the normal benefits.
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I was confused on this set up as well. I first did the rules like "f>J/H" and n/j>T.
Then I thought maybe I needed to set up two identical diagrams with spaces 1-6, one with P>h/n and one with h/n> P
That just confused me.
I think I have a really hard time knowing what kind of diagram to do. On some practice tests recently I did much better on the LG (missed only 5) but on this test I missed 10 on LG. VERY frustrating.
 Nikki Siclunov
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Combine the first two rules (F>J/H and N/J>T) into a single sequencing diagram.

When it comes to the last rule, you need to understand what the rule means: either P>H/N, or else H/N>P. It would be difficult to combine the rule with the sequencing diagram above, and short of making two separate sequencing diagrams it is unnecessary to do so. Simply examine the first and the last positions by using Not Laws and keep in mind that as long as you don't put P between H and N, the last rule will always be satisfied.
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Hi there! I have a question about the diagramming of this game (Game #2 about Ancient Artifacts - I think these responses were meant for Game #1). What would the final diagram look like after combinations and deductions? I have tried to combine the rules into a master diagram but rule #3 is confusing me so much! I made 2 master diagrams: diagram 1 shows what would happen if P comes before H and N, and diagram 2 shows what would happen if H and N come before P, but I'm still unsure if I drew the diagrams correctly. Thank you!
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 Stephanie Oswalt
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stephaniecosta wrote:Hi there! I have a question about the diagramming of this game (Game #2 about Ancient Artifacts - I think these responses were meant for Game #1).

I have moved the Game #1 posts over to the correct place. Thanks for pointing that out. :) I've let an instructor know to answer your questions about this game!
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Hi Stephanie!

Here's how I drew the two diagrams (yours might look a little different but as long as they have all the same relationships, they're good!). The Not Laws are not strictly necessary in Pure Sequencing games, but you might find them useful here since the diagrams are kind of confusing to read. You want to be careful here not to make the mistaken assumption that T must be after H in the first possibility or that F must be before N in the second possibility. Remember that physical proximity does not indicate a relationship--only the sequencing dashes ( :longline: ) indicate sequencing relationships!
Screen Shot 2020-11-30 at 5.48.18 PM.png
Hope this helps!

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