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General questions relating to law school or law school admissions.
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I am applying for a few schools and am wondering if I should submit an LSAT addendum based on my wide range of scores?

I took the LSAT 4 times and did the following: CANCEL, 158, 162, and then finally a 166.

Those exams above were completed from July 2019 to January 2021. It's an 8-point jump but is one worth even writing about? I'm worried they might evaluate me differently based on the 3 prior takes since it's not a one-shot score. Should I be writing to tell them to please consider me at the 166 level potential?

I have no valid reasons for the gap. Work was not super intensive and no injuries/illness. The LSAT was just plain difficult and it took me that long to get the final score.

Please let me know! Thank you!
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 Dave Killoran
PowerScore Staff
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Hi Oychoi,

Thanks for the message! Our next podcast is on addenda, and I may try to work this in there :)

In the meantime, I think you might want to skip writing an essay on this. It's not an unreasonable jump, and it's nice and linear so I think they'd get it just from looking (and the cancel doesn't matter). Also, you can't really ask them to evaluate you at 166; they will do what they want! That said, law schools use the highest score these days and 166 is the score you will be seen as.

So, with all that in mind, and with no extremely compelling explanation aside for continuous studying, I'd say let it go and not worry about it.


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