Looking back at my earlier explanation in this thread, I can see why it might be a little confusing, leslie7. I'm going to modify my explanation a little bit here: the conclusion is the entire last sentence, the whole conditional claim that widespread reliance on movies etc. has a corrosive effect. What we should notice is that that claim about widespread reliance is new information, not mentioned elsewhere in the premises, and as such we must connect it back to the premises somehow. This leads us to a Supporter approach, where we link the new thing in the conclusion to something else in the premises.
The premises establish this conditional chain (and I will use words instead of abbreviations but I am still going to simplify the terms):
Democratic Society
Mutual Trust
Participation in Stuff
The conclusion is:
Widespread Reliance on Movies etc.
Democratic Society
(that is a bit of an oversimplification - it's not really "no democratic society" but "hurts democratic society", but it's close enough for our purposes)
So how do we prove
Democratic Society? Through the contrapositive of the original chain:
Participation in Stuff Mutual Trust Democratic Society
If we can get "Widespread Reliance on Movies etc." to be sufficient for either
Participation in Stuff (the first term in the contrapositive chain) or else make it sufficient for
Mutual Trust (the second term in that chain), we will have what we need to connect it all the way to the last thing in the chain,
Democratic Society.
The problem with answer A is that instead of dealing with Widespread Reliance, it deals with something different, which is anyone having that kind of reliance. That's not the same as such reliance being widespread, and so does not trigger the conditional chain.
I hope that clears it up, sorry for any confusion! And for anyone else reading this, the original page numbers referred to an older version of the LR Bible. Since the book has grown substantially, the page numbers are off, but it's still the first question in the Assumption Questions problem set at the end of Chapter 11.
Adam M. Tyson
PowerScore LSAT, GRE, ACT and SAT Instructor
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