- Wed Feb 07, 2018 8:55 pm
Hi lathlee,
This response is repeated from another post, but just in case you didn't see it:
The best way to evaluate your ViewSTAMP is to evaluate whether it resulted in correct answers. If it didn't lead to correct answer, it may not have been a good ViewSTAMP. You can post it here and a staffmember can help you see where you went wrong. If it did lead to correct answers, it was sufficient for your purposes. Every "expert" will come up with a different ViewSTAMP, and that's okay if they each allow their makers to find the correct answers.
ViewSTAMP is merely a fancy note-taking strategy. If you find your "notes" were not complete enough, simply go back to the passage and see what you missed.
If you end up having trouble with the questions for this passage, please do post your ViewSTAMP so we can help with any further questions you may have!