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Complete Question Explanation

The correct answer choice is (C).

Answer choice (A):

Answer choice (B):

Answer choice (C): This is the correct answer choice.

Answer choice (D):

Answer choice (E):

This explanation is still in progress. Please post any questions below!
  • Posts: 652
  • Joined: Apr 01, 2016
Hi. I don't Even know how to approach to answer this question. In addition, the back page of( Powerscore's explanation lie) doesn't have the relevant information to answer the question, at least for me.
 Adam Tyson
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When we talk about purpose or function in Reading Comp, we are looking to answer the question "why" - why did the author include this bit of information? In answering this question for our prephrase, it also helps to consider other, related questions, like "what did they hope to accomplish by including this" and "what would the passage lose if this section were to be removed?"

Start your analysis there, lathlee, and ask yourself those questions. Your answer should be your prephrase. To help you along, I'll tell you that my prephrase here started with "to elaborate". Take another look, and then share your prephrase with us. Why did the author include the second paragraph? What did he hope to accomplish?

Go for it with fresh eyes and then let us know how it went.

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