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I know that you folks cannot predict the future, but I was wondering if we could have a discussion about this potential topic. I am a non traditional applicant who wants to go to law school. :-D Anyhow, I am signed up to take the Flex in June, but after hearing the podcast from last month regarding the numbers, plan to hold off on applying for another year (I am going to need $$ and the Flex bubble concerns me).

Let us say I plan to take the Flex in June, and, by some well fought for miracle, do really well. However, if I wait to apply until 2023, is there a chance that schools will devalue Flex scores?

I also plan to take the exam again in December, after taking a course (self studying right now), so that I have scores from two different tests, but I am curious as to if there are any rumblings about Flex scores not being accepted or devalued in future application cycles.

Thank you!
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 Dave Killoran
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Hi A,

It's true, there is no way to know how this works in the future, but chances are that one of the following two things happens:

  • 1. This bubble ends starting with the August test, and LSAT score return to "normal." If this happens, I believe that law schools will largely ignore when people took the test. As in, they have been told these scores are accurate and that they should treat them so, and thus schools simply accept that and don't worry about it. Adding to that view is that tracking score dates and notations is not something schools want to do. It's easier for them to ignore it as an issue, because, well, a 177 still counts as a 177 to their stats no matter when it was taken. And so far, I've heard no rumblings of this not happening.

    2. The bubble is the new normal. If this is the case, nothing changes in August and scores are now permanently elevated. If this happens, it won't matter when you took the test.

So, under the two most extreme scenarios, we get what I'd expect to be the same result. In your shoes I'd focus on June and take advantage of this last non-Experimental section test :-D


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