- Fri Jan 21, 2011 12:00 am
Complete Question Explanation
Must Be True—SN. The correct answer choice is (A)
In this stimulus we are provided a fact set which can be diagrammed as follows:
Every early 20th century political philosopher who was socialist or communist was influenced by Luxemburg. In other words, if you were one of those two types, then you were a Luxemburg follower:
Further, if you were influenced by Luxemburg, you did not support a totalitarian state. This can be added to the original diagram as follows:
Conditional Diagram:
Since the stimulus is followed by a Must Be True question, it will likely be answered by one of the two diagrams above.
Answer choice (A): This is the correct answer choice, as it is an inference which can be drawn based on the conditional diagram from our discussion above. If every early 20th century Socialist political philosopher was influenced by Luxemburg, and such influence meant that you were not a supporter of a totalitarian state, then the inference in this answer choice is certainly valid. Note: it is easy to miss the reference to "socialist" in this answer and think it refers to all philosophers; it does not. It refers specifically to socialists.
Answer choice (B): This incorrect answer choice is a mistaken reversal of the last portion of the first conditional diagram above. Since we can not go against the direction of the arrows in such a diagram, this is not a valid inference.
Answer choice (C): This answer choice gives us something close to a valid contrapositive, but not quite: Let's consider the relevant portion of the contrapositive diagrammed above:
So, if you were not influenced by Luxemburg, then you were neither a communist nor socialist early 20th century political philosopher.
But this incorrect answer choice asserts that if you weren't Luxemburg herself, then you didn't influence both communist and socialist early 20th century political philosophers.
Answer choice (D): This answer choice presents a strange hybrid mistake which is unsupported by either diagram above, so it must be incorrect.
Answer choice (E): Like answer choice (D) above, this choice does not make one of the classic mistakes (negation, reversal), but is unsupported by the information provided in the stimulus, so it is incorrect.
Must Be True—SN. The correct answer choice is (A)
In this stimulus we are provided a fact set which can be diagrammed as follows:
Every early 20th century political philosopher who was socialist or communist was influenced by Luxemburg. In other words, if you were one of those two types, then you were a Luxemburg follower:
- Communist 20th C. pol. philosopher
Influenced by Luxemburg
Socialist 20th C. pol. philosopher
Further, if you were influenced by Luxemburg, you did not support a totalitarian state. This can be added to the original diagram as follows:
Conditional Diagram:
- Communist 20th C. pol. philosopher
Influenced by Luxemburg
Socialist 20th C. pol. philosopher
communist 20th C...
Support totalitarianinfluenced by Luxemburg
socialist 20th C...
Since the stimulus is followed by a Must Be True question, it will likely be answered by one of the two diagrams above.
Answer choice (A): This is the correct answer choice, as it is an inference which can be drawn based on the conditional diagram from our discussion above. If every early 20th century Socialist political philosopher was influenced by Luxemburg, and such influence meant that you were not a supporter of a totalitarian state, then the inference in this answer choice is certainly valid. Note: it is easy to miss the reference to "socialist" in this answer and think it refers to all philosophers; it does not. It refers specifically to socialists.
Answer choice (B): This incorrect answer choice is a mistaken reversal of the last portion of the first conditional diagram above. Since we can not go against the direction of the arrows in such a diagram, this is not a valid inference.
Answer choice (C): This answer choice gives us something close to a valid contrapositive, but not quite: Let's consider the relevant portion of the contrapositive diagrammed above:
communist 20th C...
influenced by LuxemburgAND
socialist 20th C...
So, if you were not influenced by Luxemburg, then you were neither a communist nor socialist early 20th century political philosopher.
But this incorrect answer choice asserts that if you weren't Luxemburg herself, then you didn't influence both communist and socialist early 20th century political philosophers.
Answer choice (D): This answer choice presents a strange hybrid mistake which is unsupported by either diagram above, so it must be incorrect.
Answer choice (E): Like answer choice (D) above, this choice does not make one of the classic mistakes (negation, reversal), but is unsupported by the information provided in the stimulus, so it is incorrect.