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 Dave Killoran
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Complete Question Explanation
(The complete setup for this game can be found here: lsat/viewtopic.php?t=11429)

The correct answer choice is (E)

Since F, H, and L are scheduled for the three morning slots, the pool of afternoon lectures is S, W, N, O, and P. However, because S and W cannot be scheduled in the afternoon, only N, O, and P can be scheduled for the afternoon slots. Accordingly, O must be scheduled for day 2, P must be scheduled for day 3 (apply the last rule!), and thus N is scheduled for day 1. Since O and P are scheduled for days 2 and 3 respectively, L must be scheduled for day 1. F and H represent a dual-option on the mornings of days 2 and 3:
Dec 94_M12_game#3_L7_explanations_game#1_#17_diagram_1.png
Answer choice (E) is therefore correct.
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Hi P.S.,
I got this question correct by process of elimination but my diagram was different than the posted explanation. I realized that S and W must be out. But I didn't infer that L had to be in Day 1.
Is my diagram incorrect? I drew out:

Day 1

Day 2;
Which is why i picked answer choice E

Day 3:

Thanks in advance!
 Rachael Wilkenfeld
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Hi ggiba,

If the morning lectures are FHL (in some order) we know P can't be in 1 or 2. Why? H and F have to be on the same day if P is in either 1 or 2. That means, since S and W fill our out group, that P has to be in 3. O has to be in, so O has to be in 2, and N is our last variable in day 1 PM. Now we can turn to the bottom row. Of those variables, L is the only one that is restricted in this scenario. It can't be in day 2 or 3 because it can't be with either O or P. So L is the morning on day 1, and the mornings of days 2 and 3 are F/H in some order.

Hope that helps!

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