- Sat Aug 14, 2021 9:11 pm
In one of the podcasts, they mentioned how, traditionally, every testing period actually has five different tests being used: you have the accommodations, Saturday test, a Sabbath test, an international test, and another one. And then LSAC also have to make sure that someone who has taken an undisclosed test a couple of years ago doesn't get the same test, if they reuse that test.
Sooo.... it appears like they have multiple iterations of a test going on each testing period.
In the age of taking tests on computers, they probably use combinations of sections and order to provide a variety of tests for people, which is how we are getting different combinations of LR and RC sections.
According to the podcast, apparently it costs $750,000 to write a new exam, and since there are five exams per exam period, they reuse and mix and match where they can.
IDK if that helps you. I find it interesting and wanted to share. If it doesn't help, ignore me please.