- Fri Jan 21, 2011 12:00 am
Complete Question Explanation
Parallel Reasoning-SN. The correct answer choice is (D)
This stimulus presents a valid conclusion based on two simple premises:
Answer choice (A): This answer choice cannot parallel the reasoning found in the stimulus, because it is not valid. The rule is that as one gets older, that same person gets wiser—not that you are wiser than anyone younger than you! So this answer choice is clearly incorrect.
Answer choice (B): The reasoning found in this answer choice is also flawed, because the conclusion is based on limited information. Since beating is a requirement for fluffiness, there is no way to assess which cook has fluffier meringue.
Answer choice (C): Like the two incorrect answer choices above, this choice contains flawed argumentation, beginning with a general statement about the fastest runners of modern times, versus those from a decade ago. Thus we cannot draw a valid conclusion about any given individual without further information.
Answer choice (D): This is the correct answer choice. Like the argument found in the stimulus, this one applies a basic general rule to draw a valid conclusion:
Parallel Reasoning-SN. The correct answer choice is (D)
This stimulus presents a valid conclusion based on two simple premises:
- Premise:
higher altitude = thinner air
Premise:Mexico city has higher altitude than Panama City.
Conclusion:Therefore Mexico city must have thinner air.
Answer choice (A): This answer choice cannot parallel the reasoning found in the stimulus, because it is not valid. The rule is that as one gets older, that same person gets wiser—not that you are wiser than anyone younger than you! So this answer choice is clearly incorrect.
Answer choice (B): The reasoning found in this answer choice is also flawed, because the conclusion is based on limited information. Since beating is a requirement for fluffiness, there is no way to assess which cook has fluffier meringue.
Answer choice (C): Like the two incorrect answer choices above, this choice contains flawed argumentation, beginning with a general statement about the fastest runners of modern times, versus those from a decade ago. Thus we cannot draw a valid conclusion about any given individual without further information.
Answer choice (D): This is the correct answer choice. Like the argument found in the stimulus, this one applies a basic general rule to draw a valid conclusion:
- Premise:
older tree = more rings
Premise:Lou's tree is older than Theresa's tree.
Conclusion:Therefore Lou's tree must have more rings than Theresa's tree.
- Premise:
bigger vocabulary
harder to learn
Flawed conclusion:English: harder to learn
therefore bigger vocabulary