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General questions relating to law school or law school admissions.
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I plan on visiting Columbia and NYU this Thursday, as I'm currently waitlisted at both of them. I plan on sitting on in a class at each and then going to the admissions office to introduce myself and ask a question or two. Both schools' sites say that these meeting don't count for any evaluative purpose, etc., but do they really not? Or will the person I speak to actually go look in my file after speaking to me? Is there actually a point in attending a class? Will it help me at all in the admissions game or is it more pointless than beneficial? They say that they don't do appointments. Should I still call ahead and let them know I'm coming? Do you have general law school visit advice? Attire?

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 Dave Killoran
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Hi Moshei,

These visits are more for you than them. They will help you understand the school better, but the school won't really worry about pulling your file or looking you up--they already know they are a good school and that you want to go there. So, this isn't an opportunity for you to score points (could it happen? Sure, but that would be a huge long shot and extremely unlikely).

The thing to avoid is making a bad impression. I'm not speaking to you specifically here, but to anyone reading this: be cool when you are on campus. If you are nice and friendly, people expect that, and so they won't make a note of it. But, to speak bluntly, if you are a dick, they will note it down and you will lose points. It's just the nature of the game that people will remember a bad experience, so for anyone making a visit, be on your best behavior.

As for the rest of it, look like a well-dressed student, and only call if you the visit directions specify you should do so.

Enjoy it!
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Based on that, would you suggest not taking up time visiting the school if I'm only visiting to gain an upper hand? That's really the only reason I'm visiting. I'd be taking a day off from my internship in court to do so. If it isn't really going to help my chances, why do so many people advise to visit schools as a way to get off the waitlist? Or do increase your odds of getting off?

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 Dave Killoran
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If your goal is solely to gain an advantage, skip it :-D

The general advice you read is made on the off-chance that lightning strikes and you run into the exact person you need to see, and somehow make a killer impression on them to the extent that they open your file and boost you in. In other words, in the hope that you get lucky (and also on the thought, what could it hurt because you are proving how much you love the school).

But, I've known of more than one student who actually made a bad impression that they later felt hurt them.

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I see what you're saying. I did decide to skip it! :D

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