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Complete Question Explanation
(The complete setup for this game can be found here: lsat/viewtopic.php?t=1007)

The correct answer choice is (A)

The question stem adds to the fourth rule by including S3 as a course that would meet the necessary condition for P. This addition eliminates the inference that P and W cannot be selected together (as well as the inference that P and G must be selected together), but leaves the remainder of rules and inferences unaffected. At this point, the question becomes a standard List question.

Answer choice (A): This is the correct answer choice.

Answer choice (B): This answer choice violates the first rule and is therefore incorrect.

Answer choice (C): This answer choice violates the newly reconfigured fourth rule and is therefore incorrect.

Answer choice (D): This answer choice violates the fifth rule and is therefore incorrect.

Answer choice (E): This answer choice violates the fifth rule and is therefore incorrect.
  • Posts: 36
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I am at a loss for how the original inference that P & W cannot go together is all of a sudden eliminated on this Rule Suspension question.

I read the question as merely including S-9 to the existing rule - i.e.:

RULE 3: S-3 or S-9 :dblline: W

RULE 4: P :arrow: S-3 or S-9

Which still renders P :dblline: W

What am I missing?
Thanks in advance.
  • Posts: 36
  • Joined: Feb 07, 2020
Sorry, I meant that I merely added "S-3" to the existing rule!
 Adam Tyson
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The original inference came from both rules being specifically about Statistics at 9am, Katherinthesky. If P, then S9, and if S9, not W; thus, if P, not W.

But under the new conditions for this rule, P no longer requires S9. It just requires S, and could be satisfied with S3, which has no bearing on W. Thus, answer A works as long as the S in that grouping is S3. That collection of courses could work in that case, while none of the others can!

It looks like you misread the question to be saying something about the W :dblline: S9 rule, but it did not change that rule. The only rule affected by the local question was the rule about P and S. Rule 3 hasn't been altered; only rule 4 has. That's why the inference about P and W no longer holds true.

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