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I took Test 2 recently and saw that my score dropped. Upon further examination I realized that somehow I had entered in answers from my booklet and scantron incorrectly, resulting in an additional 29 point deduction (29 additional questions marked wrong) and final "LSAT Raw Score" of 61 and "LSAT Score" of 153.

It was the October 2011 exam.

Had I not made this error, I want to know what my score would be. I tried to re-enter the correct scores but it doesn't seem like an option. I guess I could look up the ones I missed by number, and see which types of problems they are, but prefer them organized and readily available.

Please advise.
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 Dave Killoran
PowerScore Staff
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Hi Meowry,

Thanks for the question. First, you should be able to edit and change your original answers. If you go back to the score your practice test area, look for the October 2011 LSAT, and select "Enter Your Answers." Your original answers will appear, and you can change the ones that were wrong, and then hit "Update Your Answers." That should produce the new, corrected score.

Second, in the meantime, I'm sure you want to know the right score asap, so I checked the scoring scale from that test, and here's the info for you:
  • Original Raw score = 61
    Original LSAT score = 153

    Corrected Raw score = 90
    Corrected LSAT score = 172
I can only imagine that you must have been freaking out when you saw that 153! I'm sure it was a huge relief to realize there was an entry error. Congrats on the 172!

Please let me know if that helps. Thanks!

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