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Complete Question Explanation
(The complete setup for this game can be found here: lsat/viewtopic.php?t=16613)

The correct answer choice is (E)

This local question dictates that Henri cannot use the microwave. This leaves variables H, R, T, and V. Henri cannot use the V because of the third rule: using V would rule out H, R and T, so there would be no way for Henri to use exactly two appliances.

If Henri were to use H, the rules would dictate that he not use the R or the T (from the first two rules) or the V (from the third rule). This would leave no other appliances, precluding his ability to use exactly two.

Henri could use the T and the R, so the only ones precluded would be the V and the H, so (E) is the correct answer choice.
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Im confused with both answer choices D and E. Since they both have H in them, aren't both A/C considered wrong since H cannot be with R and V. So why is it that E cannot be the answer, but E can??
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Hi Sydneymkim, thanks for your question!

A quick preface before I get into the fun stuff: I will be answering this assuming that you mean "why is it that D cannot be the answer, but E can" since you mentioned being between (D) and (E) in the beginning of your question! If this isn't what you mean, just let us know and we can give you a different answer :)

Alright - let's dive in! The short answer to your question is that (D) is not correct because the answer choice we are looking for is a list of appliances that Henri CANNOT be using. You're certainly correct that Henri cannot use the Hairdryer and the Razor and/or the Vacuum at the same time, but that doesn't mean that Henri cannot use either the Razor or the Vacuum and still meet the local conditions required by this question.

Perhaps it will help to illustrate with a few examples. Since we're assuming that Henri is using EXACTLY two appliances and NOT the microwave oven, let's try to see what two appliances Henri could use (we will then eliminate any answers that include such appliances, since we're looking for the opposite in the correct answer)!

Can Henri use the TV? Yes! If Henri uses the TV and the Razor, we have exactly two appliances and no microwave!

Can Henri use the Razor? Well, yes! We already know that from our previous example.

Can Henri use the Vacuum? Well, Henri cannot use the Hairdryer, the Razor, nor the Television... so Henri would have to use the microwave to be using exactly two appliances. This is not possible!

Can Henri use the Hairdryer? Nope! Henri cannot use the Razor, Vacuum, nor Television while using the Hairdryer.. so we cannot be using the Hairdryer for the same reason as the Vacuum!

Thus, we know that Henri can use the Television and the Razor, but cannot use the Hairdryer and the Vacuum. Since we're looking for a list of everything Henri cannot use, (E) is the correct answer choice.

I hope this helps :)

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