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Hey everyone,

I have been reading the PS Logical Reasoning Bible and just came to logical opposites and I am confused about the relationship between contrapositive and the logical opposite of a statement.

Original Statement: A :arrow: B
Contrapositive: not B :arrow: not A

So I would assume that the logical opposite of both these statements would yield similar/same outcome. Instead, when I negate the second element, I get two different statements.

Logical opposite-original statement: A :arrow: not B
Logical opposite- contrapositive: not B :arrow: A

The logical opposite of the contrapositive looks like a mistaken reversal!

Now I know that the logical opposite looks to negate the necessary condition, and therefore I could just ignore the the contrapositive's logical opposite. Still, I do not understand why the two are not the same - why can't I treat the contrapositive's necessary condition (not A) and negate it to make the logical opposite?
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 Dave Killoran
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Hi AT,

Thanks for the excellent question. When you look at a statement like A :arrow: B, the proper logical negation is actually A :arrow: not nec B. That is, instead of B being required, it's not necessary. That means it might occur, or may not occur; it just doesn't have to occur all the time. However, in many instances, we use a the fast and dirty notation of A :arrow: B because that typically works to solve the problem as efficiently as possible.

Keep in mind also that a contrapositive expresses the same relationship, but in different terms. So, when you negate a statement and its contrapositive, it will come out "looking" different. Is that a problem? No, it's just a reflection of the fact that a contrapositive necessarily transforms the original statement into something different, even if the underlying meaning reflects the same truth. Regardless, good insight on your part to see that relationship :-D

Please let me know if that helps. Thanks!
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Thanks- That makes a whole lot more sense. Would it be accurate to say that for a statement A :arrow: B and not B :arrow: A (the contrapositive) essentially both disallow A and not B? Another way, is the possibility of A and not B sufficient to disprove this conditional relationship?
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 Dave Killoran
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Hi AT,

Yes, you have it :-D

The relationship A :arrow: B by itself would say that A and not B is impossible. If A and not B occurred, you'd have a contradiction (I could see something like that in a two-speaker stimulus where the first person argues that a conditional is in force and the second speaker disputes it by citing A and not B).

Another way of thinking about this is to examine what is possible if A :arrow: B is known to be true, focusing only on the A/B outcomes (meaning, order isn't important below):

..... ..... ..... Possible

..... ..... ..... 1. A, B (repeat of the original)
..... ..... ..... 2. not A, not B (the CP)
..... ..... ..... 3. not A, B

..... ..... ..... Impossible

..... ..... ..... 4. A, not B

Please let me know if that helps. Thanks!
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How do you know when to diagram a stimulus with the contrapositive vs logical opposite?
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 Dave Killoran
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Typically it's in the stimulus language itself that they use the contrapositive. They'll say A :arrow: B, then introduce a B term, triggering the contrapositive. The "not nec" idea appears infrequently.


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