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 Basia W
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Good morning,

Thank you for such a thorough diagram of the set-up! I had one question regarding how you linked P-G. I understand the chain of P :arrow: S9 :arrow: NOT W, but then you link it to G even though W is not negative. Can you link P :arrow: G:dblline: Not W?

Thank you for your clarification!


 Nikki Siclunov
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Hi Basia,

Thanks for your question. Let's analyze the relevant rule a bit more closely:
She must take either G or W, but cannot take both.
There are two parts to this rule:

1. She must take either G or W, i.e. if she doesn't take G, she must take W (and vice versa). We can represent this conditionally in the following manner:

NOT G :arrow: W
NOT W :arrow: G

2. ... but cannot take both. In other words, if she takes one of them, she cannot take the other:

G :arrow: NOT W
W :arrow: NOT G

When we combine these two rules, we arrive at the following conditional representation:

NOT G :dbl: W
NOT W :dbl: G

Consequently, the rule can be combined with the P :arrow: S9 :arrow: NOT W chain, allowing us to make the inference that P :arrow: G.

Hope this helps! Let me know.
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So I understood Nikki's earlier explanation on the fact that R or J or both can be selected and G or W can be selected but not both because of the stipulation in the rule. However, I think I maybe making some unwarranted inferences because I had J :dblline: M and M :dblline: R and WH :dblline: S9am.

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Question for you regarding the set up.

If !R -- > J
and the contra
If !J --> R

In this particular case, could both J and R be selected? Meaning, if J is selected, it has no impact on if R is selected?
I am guessing that this is not an option due to the nature of the game?

Thank you!
 Adam Tyson
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I see no problem with selected both J and R, queenbee, as neither of those choices precludes the other. Her four courses would be J, R, exactly one of either G or W, and one of the two S options. She could not take either M or P - M is out because she is taking J, and P is out because it would also bring in S9, making for a total of 5 courses.

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