Upon reviewing this question, I arrived at the correct answer (C) using a slightly different conditional diagram. I would like your input if such a method is wise and valid.
1— HSE (highly successful entrepreneurs) --> DLM (desire to leave mark)
2— HSE --> SP (see solution to a problem) --> II (implement that idea)
HSE --> SP --> II
3— ~HSE--> SP --> ~II (this diagram involves all other people).
~HSE --> SP --> ~II
Key take away
A* ~DLM --> ~HSE --> SP --> ~II (by combining the contrapositive to
1 and then linking its chain to
3, I was able to deduce key takeaway B* using A* contrapositive. Albeit, the contrapositive chain to A* looks like II --> ~SP --> HSE --DLM; I am hoping that II --> DLM was a valid transitive deduction).
B* HSE --> SP --> [II --> DLM] (which is what answer choice C states).
Please shine your LSAT wisdom upon me